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Lego League Award

Key Lego Team Recognized!

This school season’s First Lego League “FSK Lego Stars” was recognized with the “Rising All-Star Award.” The judges were inspired by our students’ ability to communicate their ideas and their new learnings. This year, the team worked on “Cargo Connect,” where students learned about transportation and explored how cargo is transported, sorted, and delivered to…

Un gran agradecimiento a nuestras familias por la deliciosa comida que prepararon. ¡Gracias por su dedicación a nuestra escuela y comunidad!

Mexican food fall fundraiser

Hundreds of families and neighbors showed up for a fundraiser organized by our Bilingual Counseling Assistant, Mr. Luis Oquendo and several families. They prepared food like tacos, enchiladas, elotes, flautas, churros, and burritos to sell to help raise money for our school and parent fund. It was a very festive evening and everyone had a…

new mural dedication

New mural dedication

A beautiful new mural can now been seen directly across from our school. The mural took several months to complete. It was a joint partnership between SEEMAC and the Mural Arts Program. Some images of our student’s own art work made it into the mural. Key students and family members stayed after school to watch…

We are back!!

We are back!!

The first day of school was very exciting for all! We met in the school yard just like we used to do before remote learning. Inside the building, masks were on to make sure everyone was safe! We were a little confused sometimes with schedules, but we made it work. Our new school times are…

Book Bag Give-Away!

Book Bag Give-Away!

We were so thrilled to give away book-bags, school supplies, and other items to our families to get ready for school! Thank you to all of our partners for their help and contributions! It is going to be a great school year!

2021 summer school

Key summer school has begun!

This week, students at Key School have started summer school. Students will be brushing up on their reading and number schools so that they are ready for the new school year. Everyone, including the teachers were very excited to be back in the building learning new things. Principal Cheung was on hand to welecome everyone!…

6th grade move-up

What a way to end 6th grade!

Move-Up Day for the 6th grade was extra special this year. After a year of learning remotely, then learning in hybrid, students could finally SEE each other on their very last day! It was bittersweet! But we are so proud of our 6th graders and wish them all the best in their new schools, wherever…

kindergarten move-up day

Kindergarten Moves Up!

We are so proud of our Kindergarteners who started their first year in school during a pandemic year!! Wow! You have learned more than you know! Don’t forget that even though you were at home learning through Zoom, you have begun your career as a student with more digital knowledge than most students had in…

El Día de los niños

Día de Los Niños

Key celebrated “Día de Los Ninos.” Día is short for El Día de los niños, el día de los libros (Children’s Day, Book Day). Día is a special celebration in the US to honor children by enjoying wonderful and amazing books! The day combines Children’s Day with reading. There are so many incredible books in…

parent and teacher meeting

Parents, teachers, and students learn together!

This April, parents, teachers, and students joined together for another successful round of Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT). Everyone had a wonderful time learning together. We know you will continue playing the games with your child to practice their math skills. If your child has not yet received their materials, please reach out to their…