Posted on June 25, 2022
Categories: General News

It was still a little chilly early May, but that did not keep many politicians, family members, Key staff and students from rallying outside of the school with state senator Vincent Hughes and representative Feidler. They co-hosted an event to support more funding for our schools. You can read more about why the event was held and see more pictures like the ones below by clicking here.

The highlight of the day, however, was when our very own Heron, 5th grade, spoke to the crowd about why more funds for school would be important. He told the audience his experience about learning public speaking with his teacher. Heron did a fantastic job convincing the politicians to think about sending more money for education! Way to go, Heron!

"Free the Funds" rally in front of school

"Free the Funds" rally in front of school

"Free the Funds" rally in front of school

"Free the Funds" rally in front of school