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Posts tagged ‘Recognition’

Need in Deed recognition

Shout out to Need in Deed recognition!

Congratulations to Ms. Darken in room 20 and Mrs. Robinson in room 21 for their recognition for their work with their classes’ Need in Deed projects. Their students researched and advocated for the important issues of immigration and homelessness. Need in Deed is an organization that connects the classroom with the community.  

Gayle Robinson

Farewell Mrs. Robinson

Mrs. Robinson is retiring this year. She has been teaching at Key for 31 years. Although she is a third grade teacher now, she has taught second grade the most. Thank you for all of your years of service, Mrs. Robinson. We will miss you!  

Lorenea Meskill, Lindback Award recipient

2019 Lindback Award Winner

Ms. Lorenea Meskill has been awarded a 2019 Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award. The Lindback Foundation honors outstanding teachers. Ms. Meskill teaches 5th grade math. Key school is very proud of Ms. Meskill. Congratulations!

Pauline Cheung, NeuBauer Fellow

Neubauer Fellow Principal Cheung

Congratulations to Principal Cheung for her acceptance into the Neubauer Fellowship in Educational Leadership. This honor will give Ms. Cheung the opportunity to develop her leadership skills and bring new resources to our school. Way to go Ms. Cheung!