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This year the theme for the PHS 2020 Junior Flower Show was Horticulture Holiday inspired by the Mediterranean. The focus for the show was on horticulture. This year, students in grade Kindergarten through sixth grade submitted entries. We had over 180 entries this year! Projects includes terrariums, succulents, photography, botanical illustrations, and garbage gardening. The…
Since 2003 Samaritan’s Feet, an organization that distributes shoes to children in cities across the United States, has given over 7 million shoes away.We were lucky to have them visit Key school! The day was filled with shoes and fun as all of our students receieved perfectly sized shoes. Thank you for your generosity!
“Subaru Loves Learning” is an initiative that joins the Suabaru car company and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Together, these two groups help to braoden students’ understanding of science, engineering, and innovation. Key was selected as a school to reecive books for our school library. We were visited by author Elizabeth…